It does not seem that long ago that I took this picture but now that the nights are drawing in, I realise that the year is passing us by. There is a definite Autumnal feel to the days now and as I walk around our fields I see the leaves on our trees starting to turn. There is something quite poignant about the changing of the seasons, a sense of moving on as the season changes and presents itself in all its glory. In the evenings the owls have started to call in the gathering dusk and the mornings are misty-white and damp. I am still hoping for an Indian summer though and if anyone knows why we call it that perhaps you could let me know!
This little plant is called the 'Heavenly Bamboo' and at this time of year starts to turn a wonderful red colour and as the season progresses it turns to a beautiful deep russet colour. It is an evergreen shrub so it is always interesting whatever the time of year!
We have a new addition to our family, this little cat arrived a week last Tuesday and is almost the double of our other fluffy tabby Jasper. We have called her Sadie after Neville's Mother. Her owners are going to live abroad and she needed a home. She has settled in very well considering how many animals we already have and is sitting by my side on the sofa tonight as I write this post.
The only way I can tell her apart from Jasper is by the tufts of hair in her ears! She is a very friendly cat but she knows how to stand up for herself! My sort of girl I think!! Well my lovelies it's time to go, it's getting late and I still would like to check out a few other blogs! I love to blog at this time of night, and this made me wonder, do you have a favourite time to blog?