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June 06, 2007



You've beaten me to it! I make this every year and was going to do a blog on it! My recipe is exactly the same as yours and it really is delicious. You have to be careful to only use flowers which smell nice as one year I made it and it tasted horrid - the reason being that I had used flowers from a different tree and ones that smelled like 'cat's wee'!


I really must try this my husband has insisted on making elderflower wine these past couple of years and it has been awful smelling like cats pee. Yeuch. I have had this before and thought it lovely so off to pick my elderflowers but actually elderflower rob is my fav thing to make, you make it with the berries.


Sounds lovely. Wonder if adding Champagne would be nice also...



Looks wonderful! I shall be on the lookout for elderflowers now. I always have a stock of shop-bought cordial in the house but this looks even yummier. It's not one of those home-made drinks that might explode is it?! I had that once with ginger beer that we made!


Looks wonderful! I shall be on the lookout for elderflowers now. I always have a stock of shop-bought cordial in the house but this looks even yummier. It's not one of those home-made drinks that might explode is it?! I had that once with ginger beer that we made!

Rose Vintage

I have never had a bottle explode on me yet thank goodness! I've found that it's best to freeze any that you want to keep long term though!


I loooooove elder flower cordial.
My mum use to make it for us as kids...that and ginger beer...what memories, I'll have to go and pick some elderflowers now :-)
Take care,
Alison x


This looks sooo delicious! Thank you for sharing the recipe - I am going to try to make this! Hubby and I never had "sparkling lemonade" until we went to England. Whenever we go to London, we go to The Seashell of Lisson Grove - they have the BEST sparkling lemonade (and fish&chips)!


I love elderflower cordial so made some last year which was gorgeous. My husband had a severe allergic reaction to it though and thought I was trying to finish him off! (This is the man that cannot eat Rowntree fruit pastilles though!)


Sounds delicious! I don't have any elderflowers nearby, but will put this recipe somewhere safe for future use.

Marie x


Hi Jane

Thanks for sharing your recipe with us, it's wonderful!

That's the second time I've heard someone mention Christmas this week!

Clare x


i make this too! and a freeze it in ice cubes and have it with gin and soda water. It's lovely! (It must be a Kent thing, I'm from Rochester)
Did you manage to get citric acid at the chemist? When I asked for it, the Chemist said sniffely "We don't sell it because the addicts mix it with heroin to shoot up."
I was standing there speechless looking the most unlikely heroin addict in my spotty dress and Cath Kidston bag slung over one shoulder! In the end I mananged to get some in Wilkinsons. What a weird world we live in!


I love elderflower cordial, it is one of the nicest drinks. The photo of the flowers in the pan is delightful, the flowers look like sequins.


I've always wanted to make Elderflower cordial. It looks great. Can't get it where I'm from.

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